Sunday, November 19, 2006


Its been three months now since the last update.Was totally blank on thoughts.Felt like writing something, many a times,but had absolutely nothing to.Not that I have much now.The last three months have been pretty much the usual stuff.The routine cycle of work->home->work.But yes,managed to read a couple of good books (I know its late, but thanks Srk for the wonderful book).Also, have started using the treadmill at the office gym.Lets see how far I go with this one.

Next week, one more among my friends is tying the knot (Ah, I ended up talking about marriage again.But given the fact that the previous post on marriage received the maximum number of unique comments, no wonder then, its a hot topic among readers !!!).Talking to her the other day, she remarked how fast, times have changed.And, how the earlier times, somehow always seem to be better than the present.True.Mid School's a lot better than high school.High school, than college.And how college is heaven compared to the hectic work life. Going up this chain then, are we always heading towards the worse ? Scary thought.

Eagerly waiting to see my two year old nephew, next month.The fact that, K
also is coming home for his vacations is good news.December,sure sounds exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when u said "going up this chain", if u referred 2 marr(i)age, then i think i agree wid u that the chain is not heading towards the better(if not d worse!)[ giving heed 2 d words spoken by all those who hav bin married !]