Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chicken and Egg

Is (repeated) failure, the cause, or the effect of a lack of self-belief ?

Or, are they totally independent ?

Or, do they a form a vicious circle ?
If yes, how do you break it ?


Josh said...

stop looking at things as failure/success. however hard u try things r only going to unfold the way they are destined to.
if u really want to break it..use the break statement..

Anonymous said...

The answer couldn't get more philosophical than this !!

Btw, you don't seem to be able to break your 'impasse' :)

vinu said...

i think it is a vicious cycle..each failure adds on in makin u a lil less motivated in the new effort and so on.. probably a lil confidence and small streaks of success breaks it

Me said...

hmmmmm...To break the circle, lets try it this way... start running around it faster, even faster, really fast... At some curve, the centrifugal forces kick in, breaking the forces pulling u in and then u r up, above and flying... feel the freedom:)..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this sounds a bit like bootstrapping compilers :).

With this, I've given up on you.

have some faith paapi said...

you can change your destiny but not fate.... success is all about beating your best previous record.... if you cant.... you can consider yourself a failure...